I’ve been interested in playing around with brushes/lighting and finding ways to “represent” objects without drawing them in great detail. As I look closer at beautiful drawings, I notice that not everything is drawn in high detail yet the art still looks beautiful. Of course, there are plenty of beautifully detailed art, but as I learned before, sometimes all it takes is 60% to convince the viewer something is X or Y. I’m slowly learning that art doesn’t need to be “perfect”.
Here is a beautiful piece of art by Jordan Grimmer. Or this one. It helps me realize that art can be meaningful and beautiful and can convey a message without being hyperrealistic, which is something my brain kind of struggles. If things don’t like “real” enough, I think I did poorly. Yet when I look at other beautiful art, it doesn’t necessarily always hold very high detail but I love it and it looks stunning. The artist has a very beautiful style which is something else entirely. I do not want to repost their art on my blog without permission, so the links redirect to their deviantart!
Of course, the artists know what they’re doing, how light hits certain surfaces, how certain textures reflect light, what shadows are cast… And the artists know what they’re simplifying. It’s important to learn how things actually look at know how to convey it on paper and knowing what to “simplify”. At least that is what I think so far.